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Rule change proposal

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I'd like to propose we drop the age part of what determines rookies. As of now, the NHL considers a rookie to be a player who's played 25 NHL games or less, but they also have to be 25 years of age or younger, as of Oct 1.

In baseball, age isn't a part of rookie status. I'm proposing we do same in hockey league.

I think this would be a good rule change especially for a lot of goalie prospects who are older.

Anybody want to support this and think it should go up for a vote?

Very similar to the proposal just a few seasons ago to increase the rookie age to 27 or 28 I think which was voted down at the time.

My preference is to keep it inline with the NHL rookie rules.

I'd probably be ok with this.

I’d support this. Works fine in baseball.

I would be Ok with this.

We could just make this thread the vote. We would need at least 6 yes votes for this to be made official. So far, 4 teams are for it, 1 against it


Ya I'm fine with getting rid of the age part

That's 5 teams in favor of removing the age limit for rookie eligibility and 1 team opposed to it. Needs 1 more yes vote to pass. Oilers, Avalanche, Senators, and Red Wings haven't voted.

I’m in favour of dropping the age altogether

Ok, with Oilers yes vote, that's 6 yesses and this has become official. Hockey league rookie rules will now be determined by NHL games played and that's it. Rookies eligible to be protected will be any player that's played in 25 NHL games or less as of October 1

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